1st Annual



October 4-6, 2024


Welcome to the first annual DCFC Boulderthon! This area has a relatively short yet rich history of bouldering (see introduction segments of Duluth’s Urban Cragger and Peter’s Guide to Duluth Bouldering), and we are glad to be highlighting it in a friendly outdoor bouldering competition. Though this is a competition, the main goal of this event is to get people on boulders outside – after all, there are over 400 boulder problems within the Duluth city limits! We are glad you’re here, and thank you for your contribution to the DCFC to participate. Let’s get down to it!


Ahh, Duluth: the city on a hill overlooking an expansive inland freshwater sea. Though the bouldering is relatively new, the rocks are 1.1 billion years old; formed by ancient volcanoes, scraped by immense glaciers, and weathered from the intense freeze thaw cycles. The rocks we climb have a history incomprehensible to human consciousness; and now we gawk at and climb them for their beauty, challenge, and the opportunity to…conquer them? Ourselves? Anywho…at least we have a ton of fun doing it! The type of rock you’ll likely encounter as you bop around Duluth is Gabbro – an igneous rock with fine to coarse crystals formed by slow cooling of magnesium-rich and iron-rich magma deep below Earth’s surface. It’s good when it’s good, but slippery as hell when the feet are bad. Frost wedging is common, please so be conscious of what you’re climbing and do your due diligence to check for loose blocks and holds prior to climbing.

2024 Sponsors

Communication & Volunteering

We’ve made a discord channel specifically for the Boulderthon. If you’re looking for teammates, unsure about an area or boulder you’d like to check out before the comp, need a partner/spotter – post it there! During the event we’ll be posting there as well as sending emails for important updates.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us during check-in and orientation (October 4) and during the comp day (October 5). If you’d like to be a part of this epic event but would rather not compete, sign up to volunteer! There may be some volunteer perks, too.

Event Schedule

5:00-8:00pm | Registration & Check-in

Registration will be at the Duluth Climbing and Fitness Co-op, 22N 1st Ave W. Competitors will receive their competition wristbands and maps for planning. Earlybird registrants will receive their t-shirts.

7:00-7:30pm | Volunteer Meeting

If you are volunteering for the event, please meet at the back of the gym for a brief overview of the event

8:00pm | Competition Orientation

Competition orientation will include an overview of the rules, competition schedule, aid stations, volunteer bouldering areas, and anything else you might need to know before the comp!

6:00-8:00am | Scorecard Distribution

Competitors will receive their scorecards at Aid Station Bouldering Areas (these will be indicated on the provided map). Anyone who does not check-in to receive their scorecard will not be counted in the competition.

6:30am-5:00pm | DCFC Boulderthon Competition!

5:30-6:00pm | Scorecards Due

Be sure to return your scorecards to the Awards/Afterparty location, Bent Paddle, where results will be tallied! Any scorecards that come in after 6:00pm will not be counted in the competition.

7:30pm | Awards @ Bent Paddle

Come support competitors and win prizes!

8:00 – 10:00pm | Afterparty @ Bent Paddle

You all climbed and cheered your hearts out, now time to party!

8:00-9:00am | Yoga for Climbers with Kate Horvath (ROAM yoga) @ 190° Coffee And Tea

A special yoga session set up specially for Boulderthon participants at 190° Coffee And Tea

9:00am-12:00pm | Coffee Social

Come chat with other competitors about your experience at the 1st Annual DCFC Boulderthon at 190° Coffee And Tea!

Boulderthon Competition Rules


  • Individual – Individuals participating in the Boulderthon MUST have at least one witness (partner) to confirm their ascent, and ensure you have a spotter. Keep note of your top 6 climbs you topped and how many attempts each one took (1, 2, 3+). Total points will be calculated at the end of the competition.
  • Team – Teams of 3 to 4 people may register for this category. Keep track of your teams top 15 topped climbs and how many attempts each one took (1, 2, 3+). Total points will be calculated at the end of the competition.
    • Only one person on a team may claim points for any singular problem. For the individual who completed the climb, write your initials next to it. (example: two members of the same team cannot claim Double Rainbow V2 at Ely’s Peak)

A brief note on honesty: Since this is a city-wide boulder competition, we are using the honor system. This is a fun, friendly event; please be true and accurate in documenting your ascents.

Scoring Divisions

  • Beginner: V0-V2
  • Intermediate: V3-V5
  • Advanced: V6 and beyond

Point System

Grade1 attempt2 attempts3 or more attempts
Note: Individuals top 6 highest scoring climbs will be used in the final tally, and Teams top 15 highest scoring climbs will be used in the final tally.


Guidebooks: Participants may use Mountain Project, Duluth’s Urban Cragger, and Peter’s Guide to Duluth Bouldering. Maps to the bouldering areas will be provided.

Camping: Below are some campground options in the area. A camp spot is not guaranteed, so please make your reservations or call the campground ahead of the Boulderthon.

Rain Contingency Plan

If it rains on Saturday but looks dry on Sunday, the competition and awards will be moved to Sunday, no afterparty, and the total number of climbs will be reduced. If rain is forecasted to plague the whole weekend, comp officials will make decisions and notify participants closer to the comp.


Here’s a list of questions we’ve received. If you have one, send it our way and we’ll list it here!

Q: Which areas will the Boulderthon be taking place? Can we climb anywhere?

  • A: Any existing boulder problem in Duluth is ON. Projects will not count – the climb must be listed on Mountain Project, the Urban Cragger guide pdf, or Peter’s Guide to Duluth Bouldering.

Q: Urban Cragger and Peter’s Guide have different grades than Mountain Project – which grade is being scored?

  • A: The grade listed on Mountain Project will be the grade scored. It is more recent than the guidebooks, and has more community consensus.

Q: Can I climb outside of my grade category and get points for it?

  • A: Unfortunately, No. You get to tick it off on MP, and get the satisfaction of climbing a cool route! But, you can’t count it towards your overall score. You will get scored on up to 6 of your highest scoring problems in your category.

Q: What if I registered for the wrong category?

  • A: Let us know prior to the competition, we can change it up until comp check-in (10/4)

Q: What happens if I turn my scorecard late (after 6:00pm)?

  • A: It won’t be scored, but please join the festivities!

Q: Do I have to be at an aid station to pick up my scorecard? Do I have to be there right at 6am?

  • A: Yes, you have to get your scorecard at an aid station. No, you can get your scorecard at an aid station at any time during the competition (6:00am-5:00pm)

Q: What if I don’t get 6 climbs (or 15 climbs as a team)?

  • A: We will score what you have! We’re happy you’re here!

Q: What counts as an attempt?

  • A: An “attempt” is defined as any action where you attempt to climb a route regardless of where you start. Working out a move midway up a route is counted as an “attempt” each time you pull on a hold. 

Q: If we’re climbing as a group/team, do we all have to be in the same category?

  • A: Yes, teams will be scored on a single-category basis. If you’d like to climb as a group throughout the comp but have varying skill levels, we encourage you to register as individuals!

Q: Is this a serious comp or a community building event?

  • A: Though this is technically a competition and there are prizes for winners in each category, this event is all about getting folks outside on the great rocks we have in the area, building community, and having fun! You can take it as seriously or lightly as you’d like!

Q: What if I don’t own a crash pad?

  • A: You’ve got options! If you would like to rent pads, University of Minnesota – Duluth’s Recreational Sports Outdoor Program (RSOP) has crash pads for rent ($8/day). You can click HERE to access their website. Otherwise, there are 3 aid/volunteer stations at which pads will be already set up for you! The pads must stay at the aid station locations, but there are over 100 problems between the three sites so you shouldn’t have an issue filling your scorecard with climbs!
